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my sponsor taught me the inventory i took was to be about me. he asked, before my share with him, if i felt ready to describe the shit i had done to others and the emotions i felt, even still today, keepin the focus of such, pointed in my direction. he assured me the shit we spoke of durin this event and the ones to follow, would be held in confidentiality. how to keep the focus on my emotions, behaviors, and thinkin, not of the people with which i had held grudges or resentment toward. it was only fer he and i to discuss. as we had built our relationship together up to that point, i had no other reason to believe any different. his attitude and conviction taught me how to sponsor others. it was a lesson, not only in self-respect, but more so the respect of others. i think one of the most important things i learned from this tell, which was reinforced, was the willingness to prepare myself to be ready to take the important matters in my life with prudence, and to not procrastinate. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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