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If you have found your way to this website, more than likely you are considering quitting your drug and alcohol addiction and want to embark on the path to a sober lifestyle. You may already know that your life has become unmanageable and that your substance misuse habit is not only causing physical and psychological disturbances but also negatively affecting your personal and professional relationships. It can be overwhelming to begin the process of recovery. Where do you even begin? Knowing what we know here at In The Rooms through our own experience and that of our members, we would suggest your first port of call should be talking to your doctor about drug and alcohol treatment.

Why It’s Important To Seek Professional Drug And Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Getting honest about your drug or alcohol addiction problem can be difficult. You may feel you will be judged or humiliated. Addiction of alcohol and drugs lowers the person’s confidence levels and stigma associated with drug and alcohol addiction stimulates the feelings of shame and embarrassment which stops them from seeking help. 

More than likely, your doctor will meet you with compassion and care like they would with any other illness presented in a medical setting. Don’t let preconceived ideas stop you from reaching out for professional drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

Using drugs and alcohol persistently and over a long period of time wreaks havoc with every organ and system in your body. Quitting either without medical advice or intervention may lead to further complications and even death. It is important to have a full medical examination to ascertain if you have any medical issues that may have been neglected. A medical exam can also help your doctor suggest the correct course of action for you.

It is also a good idea to be honest with your doctor about how you have been feeling mentally and emotionally. Perhaps you struggle with depression, anxiety, or other mood disorders that may be triggering your drug or alcohol use. Maybe you’ve had past trauma that needs to be addressed alongside your substance misuse. The more information you can give your doctor the better the treatment outcome for you.

Treatment options your doctor may suggest

Talking to your doctor about drug and alcohol treatment with full disclosure about your lifestyle can make it easier to decide what treatment is right for you. Whether it is an inpatient program or an outpatient addiction treatment program, there are several options to choose from, with new modalities on offer all the time. You may choose according to your specific needs and requirements. 

 Medication-assisted therapy (MAT): This modality is usually a combination of medication to help with withdrawal symptoms and counseling or behavioral therapy.

Support groups: Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are a popular choice for people with addictive behaviors. It allows people with similar issues to meet weekly and share experience, strength and hope.

Inpatient addiction programs: This is a residential program where you need to stay away from your usual environment for several weeks or months, depending on your required needs. The treatment is intensive with daily group and individual talk therapy and medication-assisted therapy, again depending on your particular needs.

Outpatient addiction treatment program: Outpatient addiction treatment program is similar to inpatient treatment but provides assistance on a less intensive basis. You can enter an outpatient program straightaway or as the next step after an inpatient program.

You deserve recovery

No matter what your current situation may be recovery is possible for you. Talking to your doctor about drug and alcohol treatment may be the motivation you need to take the first step. If you have questions you can sign up with and reach out to some of our members. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration offers a free helpline at 800-662-HELP. You can search for your specific Government-run services in your own country also.


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Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.