complete autonomy is what recovery has shown me is possible when i live by its spiritual principles as a guide. to be self-governin away from my alcoholism is a blessin. today i have the capacity to make informed and uncoerced decisions which take away from the selfishness of doin my dirt. i get to live in a pleasant and beneficial nature or influence. the founders of this great program already did the hard work in learnin how the freedoms they worked toward could benefit a person like me 80 years later. they created a fellowship of freedom which has taught me how i can become willin to live without alcohol. though i still may live with my alcoholism, i aint gotta genuflect, romance, or brownnose it any longer. ive learned how willingness has provided a freedom alcohol never could, nor did. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...