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today, one of my tasks in my recovery is to not let the conscious contact i have with my HP get obscured by calamity, by pomp, or by worship of other things, as these are each directly tied to my self-will. when i let these kinds of occurrences become the forefront of my thought i get blocked from my HP and am without clarity on how to weather them. relyin on self, without His aid, i set myself up for failure. today it is my understandin and belief that God does not want me to allow myself to be fooled into behavior or thinkin that could potentially cause others or myself undue harm. anger, frustration, and fear are the emotions that quickly come to defend my ego and pride. it is with those natural human emotions i become weak. it is then that i need the natural faith i have within to reduce my will surmountin the chaos im faced with. today i want to live a normal, respectable life that is wholesome and good, free of self-induced, unnecessary drama. these things i want to accomplish are done with the help of others, by followin the 12 spiritual steps, and by the grace of God. i have to be willin, usin humility, to trust and let that inner conscious guide me so i can live with peace. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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