recovery will not work for me unless i give up control of the selfishness and self-centered, self-absorbed want to get what i want when i want it. and to say this wasnt an epic battle in my early recovery would be missin the fact that everythin i did before my recovery began turned to shit coz i exerted too much of my naturally given wills into it. today havin learned from the personal moral inventory then, and the inventorys ive done since then, i have an understandin i cannot live a successful life alone. this mornins daily speaks of faith with my HP in it. surely i can have faith, but what good is it if i do not apply it rightly? i need my HP within all aspects of my life which include any kind of faith. it is then i get to do the works needed to affect the growth i need, to be the person i need to be, for others and myself. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...