with the fellowship and program of recovery, ive been able to enjoy a new life; a life i couldve never imagined before my recovery began and had always dreamt of, yet futilely strived for. today, i get to live a life where my HP is the architect and i am the builder. it truly depends on my willingness to be an active player in my own recovery. when i decided to be a part of recovery, doors opened for me. i was able to admit personal defeat, invitin my HP to take control, good and bad. requestin He now remove from me every single defect of character which stood in the way of my usefulness to Him and my fellows. as ive been granted strength, i get to do His biddin, understandin i dont get to choose which defects He will remove. when i always say a prayer, i always get to receive the benefits of a new life. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...