if i were to say i alone was the sole one who has contributed to any length of sobriety ive accomplished i would surely not be utilizin humility too well. not only that, but i would be a straight liar. when im honest about my length of recovery, i couldve NEVER come to the place i am today solely by my own means. i know this coz i tried several times and failed at every attempt! i can recall in my early recovery, about a year or so, maybe a lil more, the ways id grown since i had come into the rooms. and as i look back today, i can surely see the growth and evolution which has occurred in my life. without my HP, trusted friends in recovery, and a willingness to use humility as the 12 spiritual principles have been designed, i know and understand the gift of recovery as i have lived and practiced it to this day, this moment. the last promise is very evident to me. God has done for me what i couldve NEVER done for myself. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...