early in my recovery i was talkin with my sponsor, askin why i wasnt feelin the transformation within. he talked to me about the emotions i was feelin and suggested i go over to the coffee bar at the halfway house i was stayin at, sit next to someone, and ask how they were doin today. it was a simple suggestion. he told me when i did this it lessen the inward demand to hide in self-pity and unhealthy self-consciousness. he was right, it took me away from self. today when i am feelin the same as i did that day in my early recovery, i do just as i did then. it still works and provides me the opportunity to gain experience away from myself, movin toward a spiritual direction, growin my spiritual awareness and experience. i get to listen and share my story with whatever the other may be experiencin. i get to broaden my horizons with another as we work toward repairin the unhealthy demands of self-indulgence, prideful ego, and self-loathin. it opens the channel i have with my HP as i often get to hear His direction through another coz ive unconsciously decided to take my self will back. the spirit of unity and fellowship are bright when i make life about others, buildin healthy bonds and friendships, becomin partners in recovery, instead of relyin on self. 1 day @ a time…
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...