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offerin another friendship and fellowship are what was done for me when i came into the rooms this last time. my sponsor would pick me up at the halfway house i was livin at and drag me all around town to meetins. he would introduce me to others and each one welcomed me warmly. he taught me how to carry the message. he showed me the gratitude for the gift of recovery he had received. he and the ones he introduced me to, took their own greatest problems and found the answer to them and spent their spare time with me; they modeled how i needed to be when it was my turn. today, it is my turn to do what they did for me, for others. it is a privilege and a responsibility to share this great gift with others. i appreciate my unique opportunity to be of service. it is a blessin to be able to shed light on the loneliness and isolation alcoholics and their families experience as a result of the disease of alcoholism. the experience ive had with alcoholism is one that has showed me just how implacable it is. with this personal experience ive also been shown the merciful and empathetic hand of recovery as it reached out to me to pull me from my depths. with this wisdom, i feel it an obligation to pass onto others what was gifted me. today i choose to not be neutral. i speak about my alcoholism to wage war against the disease that nearly killed me. i speak out about addiction so society cannot say it does not know it is happenin. i speak up for treatment of all kinds and the recovery it offers because i know it works in the vast majority of cases. i get to live the message i was privileged to receive as best as i can. i want to share what i have been given by my HP and recovery, with others, so they too can live free. as i get to live unexpectedly, i get to share my dreams and plans, work toward goals, and mark the milestones i pass on my recovery journey. no less important, though, is to open myself to the unexpected joys awaitin me and others every day. givin another what was so freely given to me is a pleasure and a blessin of gratitude, i remember how my world as an active alcoholic, all wrapped up in myself felt. today avoidance of my life prior to my recovery is not the key; i get to surrender daily and hopefully open the door of sobriety and recovery to another. i get to be a friend and offer the fellowship i was given. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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