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it is often one of the most difficult things for me to do, sit humbly and just listen. it seems i always feel the incessant need to put the two cents i have in, thinkin its actually worth 2 ba-zillion. recovery has given me the tools to realize when my spiritual malady is fixin to show its ass, though sometimes i dont realize it til my ass is all out there bared in the noon day sun, flappin in da breeze, for all to see, tryina make it in a big, big, big world; how embarrassin it is when i realize it later. if i am fortunate enough to capture my tongue in time, quietly sittin and listenin, is oft the best thing for me to do. in the back of the big book, in the spiritual experience it is offered that i be of service by simply practicin the indispensable essentials of honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness. and to be of service to those around me i feel it is best to practice these essentials by simply listenin when another is speakin, sharin when it is appropriate to do so, and prayin whether the situation calls for it or not. in an act of armistice with myself, given myself freely to others, keepin my ass tucked neatly within the britches im wearin, today i have learned how the program and principles work and get to show that to those persons i would serve. when i do these simple things, i show others that i live to love and love to live. while in time of quiet meditation, after listenin, and after prayin, i get to learn how to address situations where i may be of service. usin knowledge, experience, and wisdom, yieldin to the gentle pressure of my conscience, i get to be led to a right decision, and then take the action of Gods plannin and orderin to help another. when i put aside my own habit of pushin back, i can have a clearer mind to receive it. and sometimes a problem is, in fact, a spiritual message that teaches me and the ones i may be of service toward, an opportunity for us to grow wiser and stronger. when all is said and done, followin the manuscript for rational livin, the twelve steps, all concerned receive the benefits of my ability to practice listenin, sharin and prayin by bein honest, open-minded, and willin. today i can exist in life, i get to be with people, have friendships, explore feelins, enjoy nature, and live for God and others. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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