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each mornin i get to start my day, before the hustle and bustle of the material world has a chance to infiltrate my thoughts, with a couple inspirational spiritual readins, prayer, and meditation with my HP. i get to come in tune with what i perceive my HP would have me be for that day. my head is in the clouds, seekin guidance and answers for the questions i may have. i then get to go out into the world, with my feet firmly planted on earth, and practice growin my spirituality as i live the blessins ive received from my time of matutinal meditation, with my fellows. as this mornins readin suggests, that is where my work must be done. it is a reality for me. it is also suggested that i get to live a spiritual experience and life of sane and useful happiness when i practice livin my life this way, it is a promise to me. i get to gladly serve others out of a deep gratitude for what i have received. i get to keep and do this as a deep sense of obligation for the blessin of recovery. with an understandin that i may not do everythin perfectly, i can still make mistakes, say, do, and think things that i wished i hadnt, surrenderin, acceptin, and toleratin the fault within me, i can still go forward with my day makin it successful. when i affirm and celebrate the imperfections in me, i get to learn from them how to say, do, and think better the next time. keepin humble, livin and growin my spirituality with others, i get the opportunity to learn to love anothers, and my own, humanness. i get to live with a healthy sense of pride, self-respect, a sense of dignity, and joy in the work i do, without thinkin too much of myself or my possessions, because i understand that is what my HP would have me be for that day. it is an opportunity to live the sane and useful happiness, the promises, and inner peace my HP and recovery have graced me with. gettin to live the gratitude i have for what ive been gifted on such a day as Christmas eve, i get to live, give, and be, the unconditional forgiveness, hope, and love of my HP, through me, outward to others. as my head remains in the clouds and my feet planted firmly on the ground, i get to have real tolerance of other peoples shortcomins and viewpoints, while respectin them for their opinions. it is an attitude which makes me more useful to others. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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