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with steps 3, 6, 7, & 11, i am equipped with tools that i did not have before my recovery began. surely each of these concepts may have been within me, but i did not know or understand how to use them as i do now, so many years after my recovery began. and even as the steps i didnt mention strengthen the spiritual principles i did, it is the full use of the 4 mentioned that help me handle my life sober and in recovery. with faith in my HP i get to have and keep a relationship with my HP that gives me the honesty and hope that faith will keep my head afloat. with willingness i get to use hope that the things i have learned about myself through the recovery process will help me endure the shit i cannot understand until i find the answers i need. when i vest interest in committin to important actions related to changin behavior in the long run, i get to overcome imagined failure and turn it into success. with humility i get to understand that the best i can do is the best i can do. humility allows me to open up to others so i may seek their help when i am at wits end. spiritual awareness provides me with furtherin my faith by helpin me to grow love for others and seek the justice i need to make perseverance last when the answers i have found still elude me with meanin. with each of these character assets, meditation teaches me how to relax and take it easy, allowin me to enhance the time i need so i may wait patiently and depend deeply on my HP. each of these character buildin spiritual principles make me aware of life, allow me to feel feelins, and have the capacity for me to grow relationships with God, self, and others. they beg of me to share the gifts they provide with others so they too can reap the harvest of the benefit they add to the quality of my life. when i can joyfully accept recoveries gifts of love, peace, fellowship, sobriety, and cleanness, i get to learn how to give them in turn. success or failure, i get to learn how each of these steps contribute to the yield of my life spiritual experience helpin me to modify behavior. for certain i make mistakes, but with each i get to learn from them, complimentin each of the steps mentioned. i may not always know the best way in the beginnin, but if i keep tryin, ill quickly learn to tell when im on track. as i learn the lessons of success or failure, i get to learn how a heart full of gratitude feels. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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