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today i have answers to the problems i may experience when i am willin to accept what they may be. recovery has taught me that there isnt a problem i may face that i cannot apply the spiritual principles to. when all through life some of the things i could have had simple answers to, i chose to exert my self-will into them with the thought i could outsmart or outthink them. if i had only listened to the guidance of my parents and the elders around me, i could have lived a much simpler life; i was never as smart as i thought i was. i didnt think that puttin the work into life as a young un would be beneficial to me. i always lived life the way i wanted, thinkin i would just take care of, “that shit”, later. when later finally came, i found i was ill equipped to take care of the problems that arose in my life. today, havin lived some time with, hopefully, a quality of recovery, it is time for me to face, “that shit”. ive been able to learn so much about myself through the work put into the recovery ive sought. i reckon, maybe, if i had been mature enough to accept lifes quandaries as a young un, and before my recovery began, i would have. the fact is that today, i am there. its time to face life and live it as successfully as i can. discoverin that spiritual principles could solve all my problems, and even more so, livin those principles so that they would, has been a work in progress. but as my days continue, as i grow in spirituality, as my relationship with my HP, myself, and others, continue to gain strength, i find more and more that spiritual principles do provide me with the correct and proper ways to solve personal problems when i apply them as suggested by recovery and the big book. i need the spiritual principles for the further development of the life within me, that good life, which i had misplaced, and found in the fellowship of this thing we do. even as this life within me continues to evolve and develop, slowly but surely, with many setbacks, many mistakes, many failures, it still develops as i apply what i have learned through recovery. with perseverance, i get to continue to find the success of the happiness within that helps me live toward my potential. the freedom of a happy life, instead of the bondage of an addictive obsession; self-respect instead of self-contempt; a clean conscience, instead of a sense of guilt; a clean pattern of life, instead of a purposeless existence; the love and understandin of my family, instead of their doubt and fear; are the blessins of applyin the spiritual principles recovery has gifted me with. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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