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Happy holidays if you're celebrating. If you're mourning, I mourn with you. My significant other lost his mom just a few short weeks ago to a long battle with throat cancer. I grieve with him, from a distance. Covid restrictions are tight here in Saskatchewan, the Rez is on lock down and the best I can do for a visit is to go for a walk as you are only allowed inside with house hold members. I walked my dog with my twin yesterday as the sun was shining, blue skies. It's harder when the weather turns. I just want to acknowledge that although it is Christmas, it is also a new day, a new dawn. I woke up this morning and made Kicking Horse coffee; drank it under the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights in the living room with my Mom and Dad. We had birthday cake for breakfast and shared good laughs. All the opportunity to be better than yesterday.

Currently on the debate as to whether or not it's possible to live without any addiction. Smoking cigarettes and marijuana, drinking coffee, and over eating are a few of mine.

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