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Setting boundaries is a big deal. It comes easily to some and has to be taught, often painfully, over time for others. Myself being one of the latter, I can understand the rejection and anger experienced when someone sets a boundary that you didn't see coming. One that upsets the way you do things, even the way you look at the world and the people around you. The act of setting the boundaries, it could be argued, is equally as hard. Clearly establishing what you want is a struggle in itself and then communicating it just as clearly has it's own obstacles. A grueling task, all the way around, but completely necessary if you are going to be living with family. Which, at 25 years old, is the position I find myself in. Caught up in my own self righteousness and rage, I previously could not see that I had even the capacity to change. Something changed when I imagined the anger in me, and saw it as an all consuming black hole instead of fuel for the fire. Anger explodes the fire. Anger implodes lives, relationships, bonds that shouldn't be broken, are. Yet we cannot exist without it? I phrase that as a question because I am still on the fence. Addiction and anger, 2 things that are arguably no good for us but that the vast majority of us live with in some way or another.

Currently on the debate as to whether or not it's possible to live without any addiction. Smoking cigarettes and marijuana, drinking coffee, and over eating are a few of mine.

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