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i like to think that the brand of recovery i live is invitin to those who are sufferin, to those who are in recovery themselves, and to those who are not in recovery. i try to live it the way i perceive the big book tells me and the way my HP directs me. for so long i placed personalities before the unhealthy principles i had set for myself in an effort to use anothers personality against them to get what i wanted from them. i allowed myself to set and live by principles that were unhealthy for me and dangerous for others. it didnt matter to me what happened to another as long as i got what i came after. when before my recovery began, i could throw another under the bus to save face or build a false perception of ego, decoratin my ego with their tough loss, today i cannot do that and feel right within. today i have a sense of humility, positive self-love, and respect, that doesnt allow me to put another before me, nor aft. this sense of humility challenges me to view my HP as an eidetic image that assists me in my efforts to practice the spiritual principles as He would if He were human. to me this means that i treat people with principles that are wholesome and healthy buildin them up without tearin myself down. when before i would tear them down to build myself up, today i want to walk alongside them, even if it means i have to wisely use much of myself without causin me too much harm. when i can protect another by keepin a focus on spiritual principles rather than their personality, i feel i have lived and practiced the 12th tradition. i want to show others who and what made the difference in the lifestyle i live today. i want to be used to create unity not separateness. i want to show others what its like to live with order, harmony, supply, trust, love, honesty, and obedience, where there is no discord, but rather harmony, strength, success, faith, hope, and charity. with an openness to vulnerability, i can live with failure and not have to use another in a manner that is harmful to them or me. it is the spiritual awakenin that step 12 offers that helps me in practicin the 12 tradition alongside it. it is a gift, one i didnt come up with, but was shown by those who came before. i just get to continue givin it. i know i aint gonna do it perfectly, but i sure as hell can try. i just wanna live in harmony with my HP, the world, others, and myself. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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