today i get to live all the promises throughout the big book. it has taken me time and a lot of very hard work on self. i understand and know today that i could not have done it alone. i needed the help of this thing we do to get where i am today. through my HP, good sponsorship, trusted friends in recovery, and the fellowship, i have the honesty, hope, faith, courage, integrity, willingness, humility, love, forgiveness, spiritual awareness, and usefulness, to be effective today. not only for myself, but most importantly for others. this freedom to be me came from learnin who and what i was, then, as, honestly as i could, givin that tell, to another. and just as the 9th step promises say, before i was even halfway through the steps, i was amazed at the growth i had experienced from the willingness to change. and to use the word “painstakin” doesnt even truly tell the gravity of the work i had to do to get past my character flaws and shortcomins. but from that work, the peace of mind and happiness ive received has been a worthwhile journey. from it, i get to keep sober myself and help others do the same. ive been given the gift to be able to look beyond material things and see the spiritual things i could only dream of before. ive been given the tools to be saved from despair, worry, and unhealthy selfishness. have been gifted with a peace beyond all understandin, all the strength i need, and given a new and vital power, and wonderful, peaceful, serenity. i get to give hope today, somethin i never could have done before without a lie. i have the ability to give a genuine, healthy, self-love, which is the greatest protection against dependent, unhealthy, relationships. ive learned to take care of myself, understandin that as i do so, my vulnerability on the dependency of others and reliance upon material items has lessened. with a new freedom and a new happiness to be me, only in givin do i receive in full measure. alls i gotta do is give it away to keep it! 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...