i reckon today i can still call myself a member of this thing we do cause i still have a desire to stop drinkin. what a blessin it is to have found somethin that doesnt require me to do too much to be a part of it. though it may be the only requirement i must fulfill, there is much more to this thing we do if i want to continue to receive the blessins it has to offer. what i have learned to do is tolerate myself which has enabled me to use tolerance with others. ive learned just how useful i can be to others because of the misfortune, or fortune, of my alcoholism. rather than judge another to the point they arent worthy of the blessins ive received in my own mind, i get use my own greatest self-defeat, self-failure, and soul-sickness as a weapon to help others. in a selfless act and with gratitude for what ive been freely given, i get to use true tolerance to turn and help other alcoholics with the burden that is pressin too heavily upon them. the wisdom i have gained about myself through personal inventory and the tell of my dirt, i get to live an adventurous journey that has helped me to develop so many tools that now its a pleasure and a privilege to live and work with life on its own terms. by simply learnin how to use serenity to accept the things i cannot control, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two, i get to give to others the hope that they too can live with forgiveness, love, and tolerance. today i get to live my HPs will instead of demandin that my wishes are given. with a simple action of any change toward improvin my nature, by trustin God, cleanin house, and helpin others, true tolerance comes as i give up my wants for my needs. by keepin myself on the same level as another, as an equal, i have a better chance to help in lieu of fulfillin some selfish want. why not skylark in the ambience of my recovery? 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...