when i think of the traditions and the way they can work in my life, i must think of how they were written and most importantly, why they were written. tradition 6 reminds me that determination, willingness, and perseverance of what recovery has taught me about myself, has to come from the wisdom and knowledge ive gained through experience with what ive learned about myself through workin, livin, and practicin each step. as this mornins readin suggests, sometimes lifes accomplishments come slowly. they are hammered out over time, and perfected with each effort made toward a goal. i get to learn what works for me and what doesnt through success and failure. each are learnin experiences i must use to readjust and make amendments to how i want to attain a goal i have set for myself. i need to think of what i want my primary purpose for my life to be, weigh those options as to what it may possibly be, and how i can live with the outcomes or results that come from the actions, behaviors, and thinkin, i put into em. i have to live with surrender and tolerance, acceptin what my HPs will is whether i like it or not. idk what His will is, but it doesnt mean i cant still work toward what i perceive it to be from intuitive inspiration and try to apply them to my personal goals. with the changed mental attitude ive had due to my recovery, i get to continue to put myself, my problems, my successes, and my will in Gods hands and trust in Him to see that everythin will turn out all right, provided i continue to try to do the right action. my spirituality involves my attitudes and perceptions, as well as my prayers. it requires awareness of self, what i need, and what i have been given. spirituality sees beyond any problem into the solution providin me the feelin of hope based on my subjective and objective spiritual perception. when i let go of self-will, im provided the ability to forgive, let anger that i may be harborin, be replaced with understandin, when i understand how they get in my way. today, i have replaced irrationality with the grace of clarity. because of recovery, determination and willingness have placed me in an open role of success and acceptance with peace of mind. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...