The illusion of uncertainty masks the depravity of the fear I feel locked in the void of not knowing but not wanting to stop either Looking out at the endless rain and mucky landscape there is always something else to ponder aways a sense of not being there yet And not knowing where the
Last night I sat in a circle with 124 other women. The questions were asked. What are you done with? What are you ready to scrub off yourself? What have you processed and cooked and beat to death this year? What are you ready to throw on the compost pile. I stress the word compost
The copy of Codependent No More in the attached picture, is my own. It’s evident from the condition of the cover, it’s been well read. On the back cover it reads, “Does someone else’s problem become your own problem? If so you may be codependent – and you may find yourself in this book.” Well,
With the ever increasing demands on us to function in our high pressure world, many of us find we live in a constant state of high alert and anxiety. I myself, spent over a decade in sustained high stress situations and having to deal with the reality of my shattered life in recovery, without anything
DJ FM has been a part of the southeast EDM scene for over 15 years. Not only has he DJ-ed from Baltimore to Burning Man, as a musician he’s performed his original electronic music with a live band and always incorporates live instruments into his DJ sets. He’s produced over 90 songs, instrumentals and
Restoring a healthy mind and emotions were my main concern when I started my journey in recovery. I was a ball of confusion and was unaware how much that caused my body to be depleted of health and energy. Despite thinking I was taking care of myself, I was still getting sick a lot. I
The world, it seems, is in the midst of revolution. The numbers of people waking up and seeking truth and breaking the shackles of repression, both on a personal and societal level, are rising daily. Never has the word “Spirituality” been uttered so frequently and it appears that everyone I meet is on a path
My journey with creating healthy sexual relationships started about 5 years ago. I found myself yet again, wailing to my brother in law, the tale of another infatuation gone awry. I refer to my brother in law as Saint Monica; the saint of Patience! We talked about the idea of me writing a comedic and