15 years ago, Ken Pomerance and Ron Tannebaum came up with a revolutionary idea that was to change the face of recovery around the world. What started as a great idea, flourished into a globally recognized recovery tool and lifesaving platform for millions of people.
Ron and Ken were never prepared for all of the people who started their recovery journey on In The Rooms. They created the site initially for people who already had some experience in recovery. What they found though, was that many members had never been to a face-to-face meeting, and In The Rooms became their regular and only recovery platform.
15 years on
Fifteen years old already! I’m a little emotional if I’m honest. I’ve been around here since 2010 myself, and have been writing for Kenny and RT for about the same amount of time. There are scores of people who have been on the site since the beginning and there is definitely a sense of family among its longtime members.
A digital marvel
The founder of AA, Bill W. himself said, in an article for the Grapevine in November 1960, “Nothing matters more to AA’s future welfare than the manner in which we use the colossus of modern communication. Used unselfishly and well, it can produce results surpassing our present imagination.” It’s safe to say that Ron and Ken have definitely surpassed all of our imaginations with their digital success.
The recovery meetings you will find at InTheRooms.com include AA, NA, Gamblers Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, and Sex Addicts Anonymous, CODA, Dual Diagnosis, and much more. There is also an extensive blog section with thousands of articles written by the InTheRooms.com community members and top recovery professionals from around the world.
There really is something for everyone at ITR. If you are curious about a recovery lifestyle but don’t know where to start, I would encourage you to take the first step and come join our community. Who knows, you might end up becoming one of the family!
Wonderful website and posts
Tremendously helpful to me. Love all the additional resources that arę posted for ongoing recovery. Happy Anniversary and keep up the great work
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