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“We need to learn to stick to our boundaries and not bend”

Sign up for Sherry Gabas Course HERE

Sherry Gaba, LCSW  is a Psychotherapist, Life Coach, and Certified Recovery Coach specializing in individual, couples, family, and group psychotherapy and maintains a private practice in Westlake Village, CA, as well as providing phone and skype appointments. – See more at her website HERE

Her new course aims to help those who love an addict or alcoholic, to more deeply understand enabling behaviors, how it harms the addict in the long run and how to stop enabling and build solid boundaries.

 Step back and regroup. Start shifting your behavior and making positive changes. 

A two-part virtual workshop
exclusively for enablers and codependents. 

January 25 and February 1, 2017

Participate from anywhere in the world via your computer.

Attend live (the most effective way to get real live support) or listen to the replays.

Sign up for Sherry Gabas Course HERE




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