Some of you know I’ve been writing for the past ten years or so for about my recovery experience. I’ve opened myself up to the entire world. What fell out from the deepest parts of myself sometimes surprised even me. There’s no surer way to expose every part of myself than to be creative. I’ve written about not only recovery from addiction but also the recovery from the social and emotional issues which came with it. This included domestic violence, mental and emotional ill health, poverty, isolation and abandonment. Writing for wellness at saved my life.
My Writing Journey
For me, writing and having it published has been the single most empowering pursuit on my recovery path. I always believed that being safe and strong meant hiding my vulnerability from the world. However, the truth for me is very different. Nothing has made me stronger and empowered me more than telling it like it is and letting people see me in my very rawest state. You might say I’ve shared my 5th and 10th steps with the entire world.
Providing a Platform
My experience has been so life enhancing, I thought there would be no better way to give back than to provide an opportunity to explore what writing and creativity can do for you. Many of us create, but not so many of us have a chance to have others see our work.
I hope to inspire and empower the very talented people in our community who may be hiding in the shadows. I know how enormous submitting something to be published seems and how remote we feel our chances are at being successful. But I’m here to help.
Contact me
Submission is open to everyone here at It is not specific to any fellowship or recovery path. It will encompass all recovering people, no matter what your circumstance or situation. This is about creating community and individual empowerment and show the world that behind every person with a story about addiction, ill mental health, or any kind of adversity there is a real person with a story to tell.