Another morning ruined. Stale mouth and sweat Puking Cringing Memories flashing great atrocities. In a sick aggressive nature I seek more.
Sexual trauma and co-dependency….finding the connection will be interesting. In Rosemary O’Connor’s book about taking care of ourselves in order to take care of our kids, she discusses two topics that go to the core of our self-esteem. Trauma consists of a deeply distressing or disturbing experience and it affects us on all levels:
Okay, this topic needed to be discussed on its own because how women deal with anger is enough to make someone’s blood boil. On this topic, my experience and Rosemary’s are in unison. Even our solution is similar; however, the length of time needed to solve the issue was significantly different. The bottom line is:
Did you know, art, was amongst the first forms of communication between human kind. You did, Oh, well that is okay then. Art for me, my art, is very much what others see in it, not what I say it is. Anyway, my name is Adrian Scanlon aka NigelDaniel. NigelDaniel is my handle for art
I’d address you by name but you have so many so I’ll just call you booze. When I first met you, you made me feel loved, secure and at peace. You lent me your strength. Your charm rubbed off on me. I felt like a better man when I embraced you. You had me from
In this next essay on Rosemary O’Connor’s wonderful book about being a mother in recovery, we tackle two very thorny subjects….dating and money. Let’s start with dating. I can’t count how many times I have heard a woman tell her story at a meeting, and at some point in the lead, she says “And
Grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console, To be understood as to understand, To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal
This week we are looking at two chapters that have many similarities. Exhaustion is a state of being that most moms understand all too well, even if they are not dealing with addiction or recovery therefrom. We have been conditioned to believe that we need to be able to be and do everything…work, raise children,
After a much needed short hiatus, I am returning to review and comment on yet another book. This time we are looking at Rosemary O’Connor’s book called A Sober Mom’s Guide to Recovery: Taking Care of Yourself to Take Care of Your Kids. Nicky (Editor-In-Chief of made me aware of this book and my