In The Rooms offers a variety of 12-Step and recovery-based meetings for those in need of support. These meetings include fellowships such as Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics and others.
A common phrase you may hear in some 12-step meetings is, “It works if you work it.” But what, exactly, is “IT?”
“IT” is a program of recovery that is 12-step based, regardless of the substance or behaviors that brought you into these rooms. A program with a sponsor and a fellowship that helps guide you in your new way of living, by showing how others succeeded before you.
You might be asking yourself other questions about why getting a sponsor is important, how the Twelve Steps become a lifestyle choice, or what it means to have a “spiritual awakening.” You can find these answers by joining in a meeting, by witnessing the experience, strength and hope of others who came before you, or by reading the free available copies of 12-Step literature through links provided on
Questioning the reasons for maintaining a sober lifestyle, or “working a program” are intelligent and valid. Here we have created a safe space, no matter what has led you to the rooms, to meet and discuss and work the Program of Recovery known as The Twelve Steps.
In this meeting, we discuss, in depth, how working a 12-step program benefits our mental and physical health – based on scientific data with a spiritual approach. We reflect on and share about working each step in detail, WITH THE INTENTION of moving forward! We share about how to find the courage to change the things we can that are holding us back or have held us back. No matter what behaviors have led to your life becoming unmanageable, or where you are in your recovery journey, you are welcome here with us.
Please join us Tuesday nights at 7pm EST here on In the Rooms!