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If you work around a hospital it doesn’t take long to realize not everyone gets his full 24 hours. People die. Years cut “short.’ That’s what we say, isn’t it, even when someone is 88 or 92. Yet each and everyday we wake up expecting our full 24 as if it’s an exhaustive supply. We

It is my one-year wedding anniversary. Somehow I managed to not only piece myself together and stay sober, but I managed to be an equal to another human being. Another person who accepted my faults, my flaws, and stood with me on this journey. It’s amazing, amazing how Chris stuck with me during my mess.

  When I ask this BIG QUESTION about relationships most people tell me what they don’t want. “I don’t want someone who lies or cheats. I don’t want someone who doesn’t communicate. I don’t want someone who’s lazy.” When I ask what someone wants in a job, they might reply: “I don’t want to be chained

Deep down inside of me, right down the hallway from where I keep my skeletons in the closet, was an old not so well lit room. It had no windows, wreaked of stale beer and cigarette smoke and was probably one of the most inhospitable of places you can find if you ask me. I

I will never forget the first time I heard the phrase Surrender to Win. It was shared at one of the 12 step meetings I attended in early recovery. It’s a very powerful statement….but what does it mean? I give up? I’m a loser? My life is just over? I am a failure? Instead of

The screen is blank. A bottle of Pellegrino on the small bronze table ahead. My feet are propped on a blue and white patterned pouf ottoman. I was in the kitchen a few minutes ago before sitting down. Had every intention to write about control, a topic in my AA meeting this morning. But a

I remember as a kid swinging on a swing in a park, leaning back and watching the sky trade places with the upside down trees. First there were the years of having someone push you “higher, higher!” I would cry. Then I learned how to pump my legs back and forth, pulling on the chain

Who Answers?

Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.