“That’s good. That’s Bad.” I recalled this tag line from one of my favorite children’s’ books by that title, as I watched nature unfold while on safari in Africa. A lion was in hot pursuit of an antelope. “Oh, that’s Bad.” The antelope, away from the protection of its herd, leaped into the water
Jodee Prouse is a speaker, blogger and author of the powerful memoir The Sun is Gone: A Sister Lost in Secrets, Shame, and Addiction and How I Broke Free. She is an outspoken advocate to eliminate the shame and stigma surrounding Addiction and Mental illness as well as empowering women to survive life’s challenge’s and
I remember the absurdity I felt as I considered quitting drinking at eighteen. I can’t stop drinking! I’m not even legal drinking age yet. I’m in my Glory Days. I’ll wait ‘till I’m nineteen, or a little later. Maybe I won’t have to if I do enough counselling, I thought. 6 months after
For sex, porn, and love addicts, digital devices can be dangerous, providing instant and seemingly endless access to porn, hookup apps, social media flirtations, webcam encounters, prostitutes, virtual reality sex games, and more. For this reason, any person hoping to recover from sex, porn, and/or love addiction absolutely must install a “parental control”
As we head back into the school year, our children will be exposed to many different ideas and suggestions. This will occur for all age groups: elementary schools, high schools, universities. Some will come from educators who have agendas and some will come from peers who are already under the influence of others. Some
I came across this spoken word piece just yesterday. It’s written and performed by a beautiful Irish lady called Linda Sheridan. It’s powerful and poignant and comes straight from the heart. I was delighted when she agreed to share it on I Love Recovery Cafe. Below are some lines Linda picked out has her favourites,
Step Seven: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. In steps four, five, and six we identified our characters defects and became willing to live without them. Step seven is the logical continuation of that effort, where we begin the process of actually ridding ourselves of these shortcomings. If you believe in a Higher Power,
As a regular monthly contributor of I love Recovery Café, I had promised to submit a blog about Addiction Recovery and how sobriety is the doorway to the discovery of you! I have a unique role as a mother of a young adult who has severe mental illnesses, and must manage his care plan
I spoke with my longtime colleague and writing mentor Anna David on The Cafes latest podcast. We met back in the day, when she first created AfterParty Magazine and I was but a fledgling. She gave me my first shot at a writing career. She is a New York Times bestselling author of
My client called me the day after it happened… “I went to the emergency room, she said. “I thought I was having a heart attack. I guess I’m really anxious about this speech.” Her tone was heavy with shame and self-recrimination. “Well, it’s better to die of embarrassment than a heart attack,” I said,