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There’s something just a little bit opulent about taking yourself out to eat. And I don’t mean to your usual fast food joint serving soulless food….I mean going to a proper restaurant with the best food, made by a chef that uses the best ingredients and creates dishes that are a work of art. The

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You are, you are, you are. How many times have you heard about what, who, how YOU ARE? How many years have you allowed other people, society to define your being? Being in recovery gives you the opportunity to drop what you have been told you are and start defining YOURSELF.

I made a pot of my favourite Ethiopian coffee this morning, like I do every morning. As I flicked through my emails, I realised I hadn’t got my cup in front of me. I had left it down somewhere in the house, and now I couldn’t remember where. After ten minutes of searching and getting

Mother Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd. Saving energy, using less and growing closer to “Green Living”, is a motivation for prevention of further destruction. We have our warnings and action is being taken by many of us to clean up the toxins and chemicals from our environments to protect our Earth. So what

  We all want to be understood.  This is a fundamental principle of our being. To feel that someone truly “gets us, knows us, feels what we feel, and can relate to us.” This resonance and simpatico is the strength of relationships. But when it comes to “understanding” problems, discovering our motivations and why the

I had mentioned some time ago, that I would post about my first twelve step meeting. I’ve gotten a lot of requests to tell on myself since then. My behavior is a source of hilarity to me NOW but at the time… Well, let’s just say I was a little bit nuclear bomb angry, fearful

  Step Four: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. For many recovering addicts, step four is a huge sticking point in their recovery. The idea of taking a long, hard look at themselves and their behavior just isn’t appealing – especially if they’re still engaging in the type of denial that externalizes

  “Is it better to breathe in or out?” I asked my client who’d been struggling with devastating health issues after a recent break-up with her fiancé. “Out,” she said, thinking she’d captured some metaphysical wisdom in a metaphor about giving and receiving. It wasn’t her fault, the paradox was in the way I posed

  Rising Like a Phoenix ~~~ Pushing, poking, pulling up old memories- Rising from tombs Cutting, clearing, catching bits & piece Time stuck like- a broken clock ~~~ Dreams-squeezing past layers & layers of Denial, despair, can’t do it -regret Pushing, poking, pulling me up Cutting away roadblocks, clearing paths ~~~ Contractions- pain, umbilical cord


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