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Many recovering addicts choose to seek help in therapy as well as twelve step rooms. Sometimes this begins with a stay at an inpatient rehab followed by standard outpatient therapy. Other times addicts skip rehab and seek standard outpatient treatment right away. Either way, therapists who specialize in addiction treatment (and even those who don’t)

  Theme parks. Party themes. Theme songs. Are you catching the theme? Themes are a way of organizing a big picture category, a vibe, a value, a guiding principle. Disney chose the theme “The Happiest Place on Earth” and everything associated with this franchise is driven to fulfill that experience. Resolutions are the typical theme of

 A few weeks ago, I got up early on a gorgeous Sunday morning. My plans were to take a nice long hike with my dogs, enjoy a cup of hot coffee on the deck then head off to church. My old lab was sniffing a bush, poking her big in and then suddenly she was completely

  Have you ever noticed the best runners cross the finish line with a flourish? They save a burst for the end. They cross the line as winners. As we approach the finish line of 2016, do you find yourself looking at the goals you wanted to achieve while thinking or saying, “What’s the use,

********************************************** I am simply here today Just right here My mind is not in other places Hazy and unclear My eyes aren’t glued to glowing screens Reclining on my rear My memories aren’t wandering Lost in painful years I am simply here today Just right here My face is not in judgment mode Nose up

I am a goal writer & I have the evidence to prove it! I’ve written goals for decades on hundreds of pieces of paper, wooden boards, white boards, sticky notes and virtually every surface that provides a place of transcription. I think goals are awesome. I like achieving them. Yet in this moment, I don’t feel

I composed this piece of piano music for a TV documentary about a young girl who was suffering from a rare illness. Hopefully this piece touches – in some small way – her tremendous spirit. Recorded and produced at www.leicester-recordingstudio.co.uk.   https://soundcloud.com/davidrosecomposer/luciana-composed-by-david-rose


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Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.