Healthy Snax
I am not talking about raw almonds, roasted garbanzo beans or goji berries: I am talking about a break, a slight pause, a moment here and there throughout the day to restore, revitalize and refresh you.
I am addressing a more fundamental form of nutrition. How can you sustain yourself in a healthy way that ‘feeds” your whole self; body , mind, and spirit? The quick answer is: “a moment at a time.” But what are these moments made of?
Concentration and focus are to be cherished, but like a good thing, too much is too much. One can become frozen in a position, forget to stand and stretch, forget even to go to the restroom. Remaining hunched over in work, in scrolling through social media, or engrossed in a game or a show can stiffen your muscles, create pains, and even habits of poor posture shortening certain muscles and inhibiting your breathing. Try it. Roll the shoulders forward, round the back, lift the chin and try to breathe deeply. Sit up tall, bottom of the chin parallel to the floor and breath again. Choose.
There are lots of healthy snax to nibble on through the day; Here are a few:
○ Stand up and walk around
○ Take that bathroom break you have been putting off. Take your time.
○ Stretch your arms, flex and extend your wrists, rotate your feet around your ankles. This may inspire you to move.
○ Turn your back to the device (whatever it is, no matter how small) and do a seated or standing 5,4,3,2,1 shake out, in which you shake your right foot 5 times, your right hand five times, your left hand five times and your left foot five times. Now repeat the cycle for four, then three, then two, then one time each for five times in a row. See how you feel. If you are smiling or feeling silly you have done a whole brain reset! Congratulations!
For more PASSIVE Snax
○ Close your eyes and do measured breathing (inhale for three counts, pause for thee, exhale for three counts and pause for three) for 2 to 5 minutes.
○ Set a timer for 2 minutes and stare out a window. Let your mind wander.
○ Lean back and meditate- 2 to 5 minutes can change a lot.
When I practice putting in the clutch, pausing and resetting my attention I can bring fresh eyes to whatever I am doing. I gain perspective and remember to sit upright, breathe in a healthy way, and perhaps move forward in a composed and grounded way.
I offer you some of my healthy Snax.
What are some of yours? And, by the way, what happened to the popularity of the goji berry? Unlike that wrinkled little thing, the breath never goes out of style.