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Health & Wellness

Restoring a healthy mind and emotions were my main concern when I started my journey in recovery. I was a ball of confusion and was unaware how much that caused my body to be depleted of health and energy. Despite thinking I was taking care of myself, I was still getting sick a lot. I

Many people who choose recovery find themselves battling depression. Often it has been an underlying problem that becomes more apparent when they stop their addictive behaviors. For many  years  our drug or behavior of choice took our attention away from our mind and body and as a result our physical, mental and emotional health suffered

““Yoga gives us an active role in healing. And by slowing down mental chatter through breath work, it helps facilitate self-acceptance,”  – Yoga International What a lovely promise. Depression hurts so much it would be wonderful for there to be a simple answer to healing and avoiding it. Simple but not easy is what we

After years of abusing our body with drugs and alcohol and neglecting our health, our immunity will have taken a beating and we will need some extra help to protect ourselves. With the Flu season upon us there are many things we can do to protect ourselves from getting sick. We are encouraged by the

From the classical Indian language of Sanskrit, the word Mandala can be loosely translated to mean circle. But the Mandala is far more than just a simple shape. It embodies wholeness, representing the structure of life itself, a cosmic diagram that shows us our relatedness to the infinite, that which extends both beyond and within

It is beneficial to plan a detox to flush out unwanted toxins in our body accumulated from our addictive behaviors. When we cleanse our system it allows us to absorb more nutrition from the foods we eat, therefore improving our health overall. For three days leading up to your detox diet, it is typically recommended

Creating new ideas and habits around food is the easiest way for implementing change that sticks and no longer feels like a chore. Learning that we matter and deserve good health is the first step.  When struggling is our daily reality it becomes normal and neglecting ourselves is a result of that struggle. Recovery reminds

I came to recovery broken. I came to recovery having lost all sense of self. I had a huge sense of what I had needed; another drink, another line, another pill – anything- I just needed something!  Until I didn’t. Until I had only one thing left to lose: my being. The day after I

Right now, before you start reading, take a moment to breathe, with attention, three or four times.  These deep breaths come from a soft abdomen and an expandable chest. In and out through the nose – or in the nose and out the mouth.  Not to be too concerned about a “right way”.  Just breathe.


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Calls to the general helpline will be answered by a paid advertiser of one of our treatment partners.