March is National Nutrition and Kidney Awareness month. These themes are created for support and incentive to eat healthier and take better care of ourselves. So, I’m going to talk about the need to cleanse internal toxicity from our bodies. The very function of our kidneys is to filter and clean toxins from the bloodstream
February; the month when the theme of “heart” is at the forefront of our minds. Yesterday, February 14th we celebrated Saint Valentine’s day. This day encourages us to show the people we love our appreciation with flowers, candy and gifts. It’s a special way to fill our hearts with love in creative and fun ways. It
The process of Recovery is all about learning to listen to our truth. When we tap into this place within, we practice listening to our voice more and become aware that we’ve had it all along. Getting down to causes and conditions allows us to tap into being quiet and as we continue to do
Being thorough with our nutrition intake has so many benefits for our wellbeing but it’s one of the hardest changes to make in our lives. We tend to make excuses as to why we can’t do it. Indeed it can be overwhelming to think about especially when our supermarkets are full of foods that tend
I often wonder how self examination of my behaviors and patterns offered me any real directions in my life. I loved writing in a journal, reflecting and contemplating the mystery of this universe. When I was around the age of 6, I discovered behaviors that helped me get my own way. I pushed with
Damien Wade is the owner of a holistic health, educational, performance & rehabilitation center, called Health 3.0 and setup in 2011. “My journey started when my mother was diagnosed with cancer back in 2006. I was brought on an educational roller coaster to find answers about the cause of her disease, a search
I will never forget the first time I heard the phrase Surrender to Win. It was shared at one of the 12 step meetings I attended in early recovery. It’s a very powerful statement….but what does it mean? I give up? I’m a loser? My life is just over? I am a failure? Instead of
In hindsight I can take a deep breath and be grateful that I lived through the times of intense hyperactivity and anxiety – moving as fast as a locomotive. Learning to be still and quiet was not part of my nature. Feelings of calmness and being at peace were only ideas in theory. Unless I
When entering recovery we embark upon a journey with many new perspectives from different sources that can help us heal from a seemingly hopeless state of existence. Lots of options and information. However, as women we are often the main caretakers in our environments and have many roles we need to attend to. Our own
Matters of the heart are generally a big issue for people in recovery. Not only from the emotional aspect, as we learn to come to terms with our past, but also from a physical sense, having spent years abusing our bodies recklessly. So what mends a broken heart? Self-care is always the first port of