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I had a nightmare last night . Last night I was haunted by the spirits of my past; addictions and drug use. I was using cocaine, alcohol, marijuana and pills in my dream and I was selling cocaine. It was so realistic that I felt the effects of all these substances, I could barely walk

What is the difference between striving and thriving? The general understanding of the words is the difference between making strenuous effort and flourishing. To me it is the difference between getting clean and recovering. Both efforts are important. One got me to the gift of desperation; the other keeps me on my road to restoring my

Chris Grosso is a writer, Spiritual Director of Tovio by Advocacy Unlimited, teacher with the Worldwide Insight Organization and public speaker. He is also the author of Indie Spiritualist: A No Bullshit Exploration of Spirituality and Everything Mind: What I’ve Learned About Hard Knocks, Spiritual Awakening and the Mind-Blowing Truth of it All (Sounds True).

“I’m celebrating my birthday”, Amaya, my six year old grand niece informed every waiter at every restaurant she visited during the month of November. At home, she’d announced her intention to celebrate “all month long”. In her short life and experience of celebrating only five birthdays, she was on to the magic of self-acknowledgement. Taking care of herself!

  See more of Marks work at     Spiritual Awakening I had an estranged discovery re-surge in me; it brimmed out from a distant border, like some cosmic debris, not born in or made for this world. Suddenly, each step became a dance; songs were sung in single words. My thoughts, thrown askance,

The world, it seems, is in the midst of revolution. The numbers of people waking up and seeking truth and breaking the shackles of repression, both on a personal and societal level, are rising daily. Never has the word “Spirituality” been uttered so frequently and it appears that everyone I meet is on a path


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