tradition 3 has really highlighted for me how crucial inclusivity is. i remember the times when i was caught up in the days of doin my dirt and felt like i didnt fit in anywhere. those feelins lingered with me into my early recovery, and in those early days, fear held me back from bein...
Substance abuse rehabilitation centers play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome addiction and reclaim their lives. These centers provide a structured and supportive environment where individuals can receive professional treatment tailored to their specific needs. At Achieve Wellness & Recovery, we understand that addiction is not just a physical dependency but also an emotional...
i have found there is an inherent simplicity in the spiritual principles of this thing we do that i have come to appreciate over time. in the very early days of my recovery, i often found myself questionin how i could possibly navigate this path. however, reflectin on my experiences now, i feel truly fortunate...
within the rooms, i have discovered the essence of what this passage in the big book describes. by embracin surrender, i have cultivated a connection with my HP. through acceptance, i have acknowledged my shortcomins to both my HP and my peers. with a willingness to change, I continue to clear the wreckage of my...
gratitude has become an active practice for me, a way to express my appreciation for my HP and the people in my life. through my time practicin the recovery process, ive gained a deeper understandin of the preciousness of life. in my younger years, i mistakenly believed that i could enjoy lifes pleasures without puttin...
today i get to have options that were unavailable to me durin the days of doin my dirt. back then, i was unaware that i could make choices beyond my own desires and impulses, and even if i had been aware, i likely wouldnt have recognized them coz they were hidden by my alcoholism. today,...
"Half measures availed us nothing" is a stark reminder within Alcoholics Anonymous that true recovery demands complete commitment. This topic delves into the futility of partial efforts, highlighting how attempts to moderate or control drinking inevitably fail for the alcoholic. It emphasizes the necessity of surrendering entirely to the program, embracing all Twelve Steps, and...
i have no doubts about my alcoholism today. in the very early days of my recovery, i may have entertained the idea of returnin to drinkin, but as i progressed through the steps, convalescin slowly, i quickly recognized that such thoughts were misguided folly. i am, and will always be, an alcoholic, regardless of how...
findin peace within allows me to enjoy moments of tranquility and relaxation. i have learned that such times are crucial for achievin a positive recovery and personal spiritual growth. although restlessness and tension can accompany my struggles with alcoholism and life in general, i no longer need to combat these feelins with alcohol. through my...
my sponsor played a crucial role in teachin me how to manage my finances durin my early recovery. addressin my selfish tendencies has been essential in learnin to allocate my earnins effectively to areas that truly matter in my life. i occasionally feel overwhelmed by financial uncertainty, and i acknowledge that struggle. however, when i...