my ability to look outward comes with a practice in humility. havin been through the 12 steps many times, ive seen how, and when, my self-will has caused me problems i didnt need. when those times have come, identifyin why they are affectin me, makin me full of fear, full of self-pity, or full of self-centeredness, i need to recall the times i made critical errors in allowin these characters to run riot. i need to lean into my spiritual connection with my HP and ask Him to help me move forward through em. allowin these times to affect behavior, emotion, or psychological health, straight up cuts me off from any communication with my HP. lookin outward helps me to move away from self and think of others needs. it takes the focus off me, and i get to live what ive asked for in my time of mornin meditation. 1 day @ a time…
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...