as i move into the month of perseverance, where i get to practice this vital spiritual principle as i endeavor to grow, i must remember that complacency nor procrastination have a place that is healthy for me. surely, i must rest and take time to nurture my emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual well bein, but stoppin to do anythin other does not help me in my efforts to persevere. for me to rest on my laurels can potentially take me back to relivin my spiritual malady. my goal in recovery is to stay recovered by practicin what ive learned through my recovery so that i do not fall back into comfort zones that were not healthy for me. i want to remain effective as a member of this thing we do as well as in other areas of my life. so, i must not rely on what i think i know and continue to be willin to grow into new areas evolvin my recovery as is needed. remainin honest with myself i have the opportunity to continue growin my emotional, psychological, and spiritual life, enhancin my recovery as it matures along with me. continuin the conscious contact i have with my HP i get the convenience to not fall into old patterns of action, behavior, and thinkin that have already proved to be detrimental to myself and those around me. these destructive, selfish, unconscious acts take away my peace and cause the destruction of self. my goal is to remain in a peaceful state of mind, not relive the chaos i gave up so long ago. as it is only moment by moment that i get to live, i must use the recovery ive learned to continue to persevere and not fall into the false comfort of complacency or procrastination. usin faith to overcome this fear and actually gettin off my ass, recognizin the false amenity of self-reliance, i can use the wisdom i have gained to continue to grow, experiencin Gods plan for me, even in times of healthy rest. my progress through perseverance, whether, emotional, psychological, or spiritual, isnt what gets me sober, its what keeps me sober and in recovery. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...