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i aint ever tryna say im perfect and follow every spiritual principle within recovery perfectly, cause i make mistakes, i am no saint. i can get wrapped up in cynicism over the state of the nations and carry the worlds troubles on my shoulders. i mean the last 4 years were full of fear for me and i often wondered if there would be an end to it all. that aside, recovery has provided me with the spiritual tools necessary to live without tryna control the uncontrollable. with this release of things beyond my control, i get to live with peace of mind, takin care of whats right in front of me and myself, respectively. with my HP i have learned to live acceptance, strength, power, and joy so i can have fun today and enjoy a careful life. i can use what ive learned about myself through recovery to smile from within sharin my recovery with the hope of seein another smile. i aint gotta make the same mistakes over and over, sufferin the consequences over and over again; dwellin on the guilt, remorse, and shame of the past, present, or future. i am aware of who and what i am. im cool with the fact that i will spend the rest of my life without liquor. i get to live with success, profitin from my mistakes by learnin from them, and livin with a new direction, a new way of life. recovery has helped me gain a control over my alcoholism affordin me the opportunity to live with happiness from within. with the gift of faith i get to give the troublesome state of the nations to my HP so i can have fun and live in the present. i get to use my e.s.h. to inform others, connect over shared experiences, say when i feel wronged, and even sort out my thoughts and feelins with the help of others. the self-therapy recovery offers me is a specific and less common method of guidin myself, and hopefully others, toward healin and personal development and inner growth. with the self-searchin, the levelin of my pride, the confession of shortcomins which the recovery process requires for its successful consummation, i get to live, havin fun today, right now. with an understandin of how this thing we do has worked in others lives for their inner happiness, i get to apply the same to my life. i have come to believe in the hopelessness and futility of indulgin in cynicism over the state of the nations, carryin the worlds troubles on my shoulders, or cause célèbre, as they are useless and ineffective and only lend to my spiritual malady. life is so much better because i get to give smiles and love rather than take them. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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