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today i dont have to live in a blind alley. i can afford to be honest with myself and with others because i understand the value of truth and integrity. even when i may be wrong or not agree with another, i can voice my place and accept it as it is. it may take a little time, but to continue to lie to myself and others only causes me and another potential resentment and harm in the long run. when i live by the spiritual principles of this thing we do, i get to use behaviors and actions that change my thinkin. as action is a part of recovery that shows others the meanin of the words i may speak, i get to do things today that prove the lifestyle changes i want in my life. faith is one of those particular spiritual principles that demands i use it as an action. i can have all the faith in the world and nothin come from it unless i put in the footwork needed to receive the awareness faith offers me. and when i use it in an effort to be helpful to another, i get to feel the reward of my recovery within, well done, with an inner happiness that is enjoyable, pleasurable, gratifyin, and servin. gettin involved in recovery, especially bein an active participant in my own recovery, leads me from the unreal to the real! leads me from the darkness to light! leads me from death to a wholesomely lived life. it lets me live and feel the reality i used to run and hide from while back doin my dirt. when i can intuitively feel and know when its time to move and God is in me, i cannot lose. as i continue throughout my days, involvin myself in the works of my recovery, i aint gotta allow depression, anger, fear, and frustration to shadow my steps because i have control, power, and manageability over my attitude. i have been given the tools to keep negativity in check, and balanced. today recovery has put me in a unique position, whatever comes to me allows me the chance to demonstrate for others that solvin personal problems usin faith is manageable. i aint gotta let pride in my intelligence blind me to how much i dont know, i can be guided by faith with an honest effort to learn and live with the outcome of it. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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