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i cannot tell ya’ll that im divorced from outside influences affectin my thinkin, or im disconnected from my humanness, not allowin me to sense self-pity, dishonesty, or self-seekin motives. it is my understandin my HP allows me to have free reign of all 4 of these perfectly normal human patterns of behavior. and to be honest, self-examination, when without the help of my HP, trusted friends in recovery, or sponsor, will quickly lead me into the unhealthy regions of my humanness which cause me the worst of troubles. it is, fer me, of the utmost importance when i feel or sense these perfectly human patterns of etiquette start to guide my behavior, emotions, psychological, or spiritual direction, i immediately stop and start moments of quiet prayer and meditation. even if i hafta do it over and over again. and one of the best ways fer me to stop the chaos within is to go help another. its been my experience, its been my hope, and its been my strength. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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