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this last time comin into da rooms, it took me some time into my recovery fer my obsession for alcohol to leave me. i had tried recovery before and failed at each charge. i learned this time, i hadnt fully surrendered to my alcoholism, nor accepted da solutions it offered. in prior attempts i had clung to da idea i could overcome my alcoholism on self-will. maybe, do this instead of that? maybe, do that instead of this? time with my sponsor, had specified plenty of reason why i would fail at each attempt prior to this one. he showed me how he had become entirely ready to live by da principles this thing we do edifies. he showed me how da freedom from his alcoholism through da practice of those principles had provided him a life. he had entered a new dimension of truthful, honest, reality, and wanted to help me achieve da same. it took me time, i had a self-will and ego which i had to break and crumble into small pieces so i could surrender. it took me time to accept, i alone, could not beat my alcoholism. my sponsor showed me, through my writins, and lengthy discussions with him, how powerless i had become over my alcoholism. i needed to believe and understand it all to enter this new dimension, a freedom under God as i understand Him. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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