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i was at a meetin once, and my sponsor said when it was his turn to speak, “i dont have to know everythin, its ok fer me not to know”. it was a comment, at first, i didnt take much mind to. but as it lingered in my mind i began ponderin it. it made me think of how i had always had an answer fer everythin. how, no matter da conversation, i always only listened to respond, never to ever understand. i can recall askin my sponsor in my early recovery questions about da how and why, and him respondin, “i dont know”. he would always suggest to me i use patience and my HP would present da answer. he suggested i live my program of recovery to da best of my ability. and what do ya know, his ass was right. whether da answer came intuitively after time had passed, or my HP presented da answer through others as i continued to watch and learn. today i understand, as educated as ive become, as ive experienced so much, i only know a lil. it seems da more ive learned, da less i truly know. i reckon as my days in recovery progress, as i live my life forward as rightly as i can, ifinz i ask him in my mornin meditation what i can do each day fer da man who is still sick, da answers will come, if my own house is in order. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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