its been my experience, if there is no struggle, there is no progress. fer me, in the important decisions, i should be governed, i think, by the deep inner needs of my nature, which, today, when found through meditation, i choose to call the intuition my HP supplants within. when i ask my HP each day fer direction in my mornin prayer, then listen through meditation fer His intuitive notion, i get to start my day with a reprieve fortuitous of His guidance. if, when my day starts to get off square from the goal i have set forth in my mornin time with Him, i have the liberty of contact with others, i.e. my sponsor, or trusted friends in recovery, to fall back upon fer further interpretation on how to manage situations im baffled by. this, fer me, is the essence of group autonomy. the graced opportunity to come together with others who share a common solution to the specific pollution of alcoholism, to use what recovery has offered us to move forward without that next 1st drink. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...