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when i met my sponsor i was lookin fer someone who may be like me. i wanted someone with similar outlooks, similar likes, and similar attitudes. well, as my HP would have it, my self-will did not pan out as i had planned. the alcoholic who became my sponsor only had one outlook like mine, the want to get sober and stay that way. he did not like much of the things i liked. nor had he grown up anythin like i did. as we learned about each other, we found we had one thing in common, our alcoholism. our experiences were not the same, but the emotions which had us turnin to alcohol were. our, almost identical emotional sufferin, havin NEVER EVER known each other, could only be resolved by the solution the great paradox of our sufferin, recovery could find the underlyin cause of. our great gift from our individual HPs bestowed upon us, has kept us both, sober, and in recovery, to this day. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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