it is true fer me, when i pray and ask my HP fer guidance, my HP does not judge me. even as i may get the opportunity to grow up spiritually with trust in my relationship with Him, i dont gain the latitude i would from sharin my dirt with another. unquestionably ive unloaded the burdens of my past, but tellin this shit to another opens me up to deliverin myself of the fear that kept me a drunken mess. those secrets remain unabated in keepin me spiritually sick. when i tell these findins to another, my sponsor, or trusted friend in recovery, i get to experience what it feels like to truly feel unashamed, as i wouldnt if i kept my dirt to myself. it is my understandin step 5 is the opportunity to utilize the practicality of the 12 spiritual principles in normal daily interactions with others. steps 1 through 4 prepare me fer this human interaction so i may begin bein a part of, instead of apart from. cleanin house allows me to start feelin the emotions as integrity churns within toward a new and emancipatin deliverance of self through the beginnins of humility. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...