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i get to live a life ive never lived before. loneliness and isolation kept me in fear of the consequences of my behaviors, actions, and words. i could never tell of these emotions in fear of bein laughed at or talked down to, fer bein human. negative and unhealthy self-consciousness demanded i never share these secrets to anyone. and past experiences most def held the goose hangin high when it came to the tell of how i truly felt. but today, the past is over! when in the past, the days of doin my dirt, or just plain livin life, whether the self-induced, or alcoholism induced fear, kept me hidden within, or not, i get to voice my emotions to those around me who understand just how these passions may affect me. it is my responsibility to my own recovery to express my character defects, shortcomins, or emotions, to those who will understand so i may receive their input toward progressive, wholesome, spiritual solutions. whats happened in the past, aint gotta be my future today. i can learn from it, not fear it, and live forward to a better today because of the past. it doesnt define me unless i let it. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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