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the big book says when i harbor resentment, i shut myself off from the sunlight of the spirit. havin written down my 4th step inventory, as my sponsor and i discussed it in my 5th step tell, he pointed out to me how i had held these resentments usin the character defects and shortcomins i had written down as examples to how my will had done just exactly what deep resentment does, cuts me off from the relationship i have with my HP. he warned me of the possibility of returning to the futility and unhappiness of the days of doin my dirt if i didnt use the 12 spiritual principles of recovery to let go and let God, workin toward appropriatin the steps to rectify the wrongs i had done to others and myself. he freely expressed the spirituality of this thing we do, indicatin how strengthenin my relationship with my HP would help me move forward in my recovery. he said as i cultivated my spiritual development, the hope of the maintenance and growth of a spiritual experience the big book promotes would happen. today havin grasped this thing we do as best as i can, i can say my relationship with my HP has grown evolvin into my personal spiritual experience. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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