i learned so much about myself durin the first 2 1/2 years of my recovery. they were characters about me i had never uncovered before, nor even ever thought were aspects about me that played major parts in my behavioral and emotional health. the bedevilments listed on pg. 52 of the big book described my life prior to recovery to a t. self-centeredness had made me blind to the fears which arose from the bedevilments. i didnt know i was so susceptible to these fears, even though i may have felt em, nor was i aware of the solutions to these vexations. as my sponsor and i worked toward uncoverin the reasons why i had been held victim to my own selfishness, i began to slowly experience the remunerations the promises claim. today i am still workin toward the promises; i dont think that growth will ever stop. however, the freedoms i get to continue to experience continue to evolve and materialize. they grow as my spiritual development continues the enlightenment of my personal spiritual experience. ive been graced an ability to live the solution of a life with a healthy freedom and happiness to be me. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...