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the big book says on pg. 62, “selfishness—self-centeredness! that, we think, is the root of our troubles. driven by a hundred forms of fear, self-delusion, self-seekin, and self-pity...”. ive learned through the operation of the 12 steps how i always let these emotions run my life. to a morbid degree, i used the experience of these normal, natural, human emotions, to shut down relationships with others; eventually only turnin to alcohol to gain any strength or courage to live life. self-isolation only proved to entangle the web of self-deceit, further drivin me away from those who loved me and other vital relationships. recovery taught me it was ok to feel these emotions and use healthy solutions to break free of that self-imposed isolation. then recovery showed me the purpose of self-learnin, is growth, and that my mind, cannot continue growin without wholesome interaction with others. i learned i could not do this thing we do alone, i needed relationships with others to continue to live a robust life. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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