guilt can be a corrodin thread that infiltrates my very bein. and, without the use of the 12 spiritual principles of recovery, i have no human defense; im left to succumb to its power over me. here is a point in my recovery where i neednt try to say ive mastered the humanness God has granted me. such statements or thinkin will only provoke a spiritual type of perfection. ya’ll, im here to tell ya’ll, i aint God. however, with the deep soul searchin taught through the steps, i can grow and evolve to be a better person. i need to recognize guilt fer what it is, a selfish desire to keep me locked in self-pity, only directin me away from how recovery teaches me to deal with it, so i return to the next 1st drink. my alcoholism aint a joke, its an alive monster within diggin and clawin at any weakness i can show it so it may take over. facin guilt or shame, understandin ive been provided solution to overcome it, prayer and meditation, a call to my sponsor or trusted friend in recovery, gittin my ass to a meetin to talk about it, or helpin another, are the healthy ways i can face guilt. i dont have to be a slave to my alcoholism today. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...