ive learned its not my position to place requirements fer those who wish to stop drinkin. it wasnt done like that fer me, and im not gonna do it fer others. ive learned through my studys in this thing we do, tolerance is an action of kindness and consideration, understandin and sympathy, toward one who wishes to stop, and myself. just because the way i work and practice the 12 spiritual principles of recovery, doesnt mean that another may find a way better suited to em. when i practice tolerance, im open to whatev the way another says they became an alcoholic, and most importantly, to the way they wish practice their recovery. if they find a way that works fer em, more power to em. tolerance provides me freedom to think and act my program of recovery the way that best fits me. its been my experience, tolerance creates open-mindedness. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...